Welcome to my corner of the web where you can check out all my artistic endeavors and peak in the realms of my unfiltered mind!

My site has two sides: the petals and the peduncle!
Click the title of the boxes below to visit!


this is where all of our art, series, collections, shrines and such are put! its basically our archive/gallery portion of the site


this part of the site holds the more personal stuff such as our blog, streams of conciousness and writing about personal experiences!


  • Built in Notepad++ & Visual Studio Code on a 1920x1080 display.
  • Previewed in Firefox, Brave, Chrome and Edge during coding.
  • This site is built from hand, recycled code and from the help of fourms & the web.
  • Not intended for mobile view due to interactive elements across site, but they should resize to be somewhat accessible!
  • There is an abaudant use of iframes and javascript in order to explore site.
  • Hover over images for fun across site! I like to use title and tooltips for funnies!
  • You are free to inspect my code and copy and learn from it! It's how I learn to code.

  • these sites are for adult audiences. i dont cater to young audience eyes
  • trigger warnings / content warnings will be provided for pages with sensitive topics, but just be warned they are abaundant
  • flashing/fast moving graphics are present on site. i do not have toggles
  • all audio is optional & with volume tools via embedded youtube
  • all fonts styles should be readable without eyestrain. font size does not go under 10px in size
  • site is not currently optimized for screen readers
  • Check out these other sites!

    Swifty's HQ! Draggian Universe
    dogasu fansite
