welcome to my art archive!!!

to view the actual art, use the buttons to the left.

i struggle pretty hard with being in online art communities due to my mental issues, so here i compile all my work instead! this is all of my art i do have, and i mirror bits here and there to other parts of my site.

i try to just archive all of the legible / notable pieces of work here because i used to just make incomprehensible doodles. i do not upload commission work here because ehhh (unless it was a rlly cool piece). so yeah! i hope you find something you think is neat here. thank you for exploring.

my artist timeline and shiz

I log this kind of stuff as a way to keep track of my progress and to also remind myself of my own growth.

i've been drawing as early as i can remember like many other artists lol. my earliest art was scribbles on paper. the earliest recordings of my legible art is from kindergarten following my introduction to Pokemon and The Fairly Odd Parents. I started to make comics and general art around this time.

A big reason I started to draw was due to my Pokemon special interest. I wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. I was a Pokemon fan before a furry. I didn't know what a furry was until I was 12 or so even with the early introudctuion to NSFW.

My first animations were when I was around 8 or 9 years old. My mom had a DSi and my sister showed me Flipnote Studio. I visited Flipnote Hatena and was inspired and started to animate on my own.

My first drawing tablet was the UDraw for the Wii. Otherwise, I was using my 3DS with Inchworm Animation or a laptop trackpad to draw after my DSi broke.

I made my first DeviantART account at 10 years old. I ban evaded until I turned 13. I went through a variety of usernames. Pachigirl48, Fuzzyrisu, ThatWeirdWolf0, pizza-okami, draqonpaws, r-ea, pizzareas, kyrisuz.

I sold my first commissions at 12. It was for pocketchange on DeviantART. I've been selling commissions since. I have alot of complicated feelings regarding the duration of my art passion revolving making money. I accepted NSFW commissions early on in order to afford basic neccesities and food. However, this early commission career allowed me to get my first tablet which was a Wacom Intous Creative Pen Tablet.

I made my first FurAffinity account at 11 years old. I made a side NSFW account and got banned when I was 12. I rejoined FurAffinity at 15~16 years old and sold a lot of commissions. I fully returned at 17~18 in order to post actual NSFW and not get banned. I left multiple accounts as I became more artistically free by 2023.

I had multiple youtube accounts since my introduction to the internet. My most notable channel was Kyrisuz which I left once I became an adult due to my desired art direction and desire for freedom without scrutinity. My audience went from being my peers to a lot of kids, which was like, yeah no that wasn't want I wanted to begin with. I was a Warrior Cat MAP animator --> Animation Meme Animator, which the meme is what cooked the channel's lifespan. I considered this persona dead in terms of it's desire to appeal. I have extremely complicated feelings about this time period and rather not be associated with it. I just let people know that yeah, it's me, so people don't claim it's a trying to burying the past thing. I've outgrown the communities and do not need to be in them because my art is not for that audience, and I have no plans to make it easier to look at lol. I distanced myself from everyone in order to do things the appropiate/right/respectful way but it was pretty isolating since at the time, the whole anti/proship and callout shit was Rampant.

I had multiple Twitter accounts which every single one brought out the worst of my traits due to the communities I'd interact with. Like, genuinely the worst of me. I am very thankful I got rid of Twitter because it was slop for my identity issues. I am embarrassed for every account I owned and used. And I beg everyone who had to witness the infection of Twitter had on me to know I am much more mature now, and that Im glad you guys were all cool about how fucking brainrotted I was being in public. I can't even explain how bad Twitter brainrotted me in every account I owned.

I also had Instagram accounts which were plagued with the same behavior. Social media was a toxin to me as I struggled with mental illness. Again, I'm very embarrassed for these days and genuinely wish that people understand I was incredibily immature at those times.

I used mastadon for a while after ejecting myself from past communities alongside tumblrs that didn't last longer than months. It was tamer than Twitter accounts in the sense of public eye, but also not very good due to the nature of the kind of communities and their rhetoric tainting the vunerable mindspaces I was in. It was NOT good for me and I eventually realized how fucking batshit it was before ejecting myself out. I think I like took a good break from the internet after that and focused on having my own website LOL.

I used Buzzly and Sheezy for a short time before getting bored or annoyed due to it replicating the communities I was sick of dealing with.

I moved to Inkbunny as my main gallery site due to good filter system and tolerance for darker art. My usage has lowered since I first joined due to increasing anxiety and therapy making more sensitive to topics common on the site.

The most used "social media" for me is now Youtube and Neocities.

My feelings toward posting art online is overall very complicated. But I don't really regret it, the art atleast. My actual behaviors were cringe and very product of their time & the fact I have emotional & identity issues but yeah. I will keep drawing art and get more confident and stable as time goes. I was a kid early on the internet and kept having a bunch of other kids and adults gas me up. I was getting money, sex was normalized for me Very early on, my irl life was a fucking hot mess, my psychosis stuff became a thing and yadda yadda. It could have been a lot worse than how I've turned out to be.

Through my years, I know I wasn't some sort of perfect online saint or simply a victim of circumstance. I was weird. I was very unfiltered, vulgar and perverted as a teenager, and a massive impresisonable volatile pushover. I regret being vulgar as a minor since well, I was a minor and my peers were too. This wasn't even isolated online, I was also weird as fuck IRL because well, I needed help LOLOL. I didn't understand what the big deal was about darker art minus everyone else saying it was evil, which is why my art is the way it is now.

So yeah, it being a constant through my art was bound to be, so it's nice now that as an adult, I am able to make this art for audiences that can deal with it AND restrict and curate where it ends up. As I said, could've been worse and uglier. I can confidently say I wasn't a predator or some shit. I'm weird as hell but I never had any NSFW interactions with people younger than me. I posted weird art to everyone. Through all my logs I hoarde, direct NSFW interactions always involved older parties. I am happier to just kind of figure myself out properly outside of public eye because well, it's been a lot to unpack and its hard.

To all my old friends that I ran from but still see me as jut a weird black kid named Rea, thank you and I have not forgotten any of you and I still appreciate you. I hope someday we talk again. I miss a lot of you that still see me as human.