crossover therapy au

the crossover therapy AU is basically us (the vessel) living in a universe where all our favorite characters also live, and a lot of us attend a theraputic kind of program for our mental issues. and it also incooperates ABDL elements for the characters who are littles (like me)

this is literally for me and me just trying to deal with stuff. i really dont care abt the other noise. its a warm hug to me. its no rules here and everyone is understanding to eachother and we are trying to feel better and get stable

theres really no limit to what fandom is involved LOL i just draw it and i have headcannons for some characters (ie. arven and frostdawn having ptsd, simon being autistic w bpd, twilight having ocd and is autistic, ect)

notable nurses/cargeigiver: vanilla (sonic), angel hare, miriam (pkmn scvi), floofty (bugsnax), static (animal crossing)

me and rex playing in the sand while padded

i was stressed abt alot of authority when reading a starless clan. frostdawn comforts me bc she went thru alot of the same stuff thats stressors

me attending group therapy after frostdawn's suggestion

me ruining my no SH streak and miriam having to put a sad cloud on the chart

me padded up because i was attacking myself too hard. sometimes i get too pissed off and leak so yeah

static is more of my personal CG so yeah

bibury, gatomon and lapis as a meme because they're silly girls with similar struggles

rex is a little, sasha isnt so much. both like

all my main headcannons

i dont care if you agree or not