pronouced as patch-lah

Pachla is a giant tan and brown coywolf with large black wings that has the DNA of a crow, king cobra, street cat, skunk and other mustelids. She towers over most, standing at 7'3" on his four paws, and wingspan stretching about 12 feet wide. She has dull yellow teeth and yellow eyes as side effects from her illness before experimentation. She goes by any pronouns, but prefer he/she over they/them. But any is fine, seriously. It's a nonfactor to Pachla because they stopped caring about most of it and can be whatever they desire due to experimentation altering their sex. For his privacy, we are not exploring what goes on, lol.

Pachla is kind. He is a natural healer and mom friend, and very loyal to those he respects. To his close companions, he can be very sarcastic and cheeky, and extremely mischevious. Pachla hates to be angered, and does well at keeping a lid on unless someone she loves is pulled into it. At her worse, she will do harm, she if you really pissed her off, she won't regret it.

Pachla enjoys meatloaf and belly rubs, and has a phobia of flames. She can swim and fly with ease and is pretty good at combat. He can walk on his hind legs but isn't a fan of it due to his height making navigation very uncomfortable (no one has door frames suitable for him even in feral form!).

She was born into a wolf pack by a coyote mother. She had a sister named Prodigey, and her pup name before the lab was don't remember.... She adopted the name the lab gave her, which stemmed from her experimentation tag of PAC1-11_A. She was the first truly successful experiment that paved way for the rest of humanity's testing. She had a short-lived relationship with a shitzu that led to a rivarly with a pack of dogs and eventual return to the lab. From there, she eventually had his fateful encounter with Riley the Wolfgirl.


The first ever Pachla wasn't a wolf at all.

It's kinda confusing how this works. Basically, the blueprint of Pachla comes from the creation of Thunder the Skatchirisu, another OC of mine who's got her own thing going on. Thunder is a proposed Pachirisu evolution that is Ice, Electric and Dark type. Her backstory is that she was Pachieon's experiment, and adopted daughter by proxy. With this, Thunder is technically the true Pachla 1.0, but Thunder has never changed and just walked so every other Pachla variation could run. We wouldn't have Pachla without Thunder, which is why she's basically god of all Pachirisu OCs and highly respected by Pachla despite the different universes.

And before Pachla's wolfhood, she was first an odd little Pachirisu lacking it's stripes and spikes and functioned as my Pokesona. She had cheek markings at the beginning, but then I said fuck 'em. From childhood lore, this Pachla was a failed experiment of some sort put on by Pachieon as Twilight and Umbre tried curing their sickly kit. Pachla's evolution failed and it's what resulted in her. This Pachla shares the same backstory with Thunder, where the main difference is that Thunder was much more secure in her personality while Pachla degraded overtime due to parental neglect/rejection. She was not graced with affection like how Thunder's flaws were loved by Pachieon.

I made a comic revolving around Pachla and her navigating being bullied and being basically a killing machine, but from the perspective of Benjamin the Buizel (who is now Loki the Floatzel). Benn was obsessed with mocking and teasing Pachla for being an oddity, shy, nerdy and sensitive. And then Pachla stabbed him with a lighting bolt....yeah okay I don't really know what I was going for, but basically Pachla was a sweet little cutie with powers of destruction. This comic was never finished. I never got to show her life events lol. And this was likely for the best because my younger self's writing was certainly something.

Eventually with time, Pachla gained her wings and foot markings to be more of a quasi Thunder. She still was a Pokemon, but i dabbled more into fursona territory now. I dropped most of the Creepysona comic lore for Pachla but retained the "failed experiment" lore for her. She had an evil counterpart named Zachla though, so that's something. At this point, it wasn't so much of a focus until I moved to being ThatWeirdWolf0 in 2014. This is where the wolf era of Pachla begins.


The first version of Pachla as a canine presented her as a mutant gray furred wolf with a thunderbolt (sometimes) on her thigh, dark gray ears, dark back marking that extended to her tail and her iconic bluejay wings. The first Pachla had the DNA of a bluejay and cobra (and cat?). She had highly toxic venom she could spit at you and possessed a stupidly long tongue.

Yes....I...I can explain.

I was starting to write proper stories for Pachla, and she was a sickly pup that ended up in the hand of scientist that experimented with DNA fusion with her since she was bound to death anyways.

From this version, I changed her bluejay genes into those of a crow. Pachla was now a: wolf, crow, coyote, tabby cat and skunk. I snatched her color away to make her "cooler" and "edgier" around this time when I was becoming a certified emo. I have little record of much development for her backstory from this time, so I assume things were still the same lore (sick animal yoinked and experimented on). She now had a project number (#100) and was a 25% success. She had two refs within the late 2014-2015 time period. They're both here.

In 2016-2017, Pachla gained his neutural fur color with her dominant species changing from wolf to coyote. Her grey fur was now something that comes with winter, so an adaptive feature. The Pokemon-ness was far gone at this point. Pachla was truly a critter now! Pachla now had parents and siblings his backstory, and layers to what formed their personality before she was taken in by scientist. I even wrote her life with the scientists, and her graduation from their program. She was no longer boisterous and trigger happy, but more of a mom friend-ish sarcastic ride or die, as she was a major part of my series, Dysphoria. She was the sidekick and foil to my self-insert, Riley the Wolfgirl, which Pachla was assigned to during both of their youths following the devestating world war that led up to a massive mutant population. Because of the world building, Pachla now wore a color that would track how acidid their venom was. They also lost their gender during the experimentation trials (i mean...this is based). Her added DNA was still the same from 2016 (crow, skunk, cat).

From this Pachla, this is pretty much where I left off with him. Like, all I've done is develop him more cohesively within the world of Dysphoria, and outside Dysphoria as one of our sonas.


Well...not much! I haven't touched Dysphoria since like 2019. Pachla has stuck around in terms of like a mascot and sona, but that's about it. So on a nice long break from any acting career for now.

Dysphoria is a project I want to revisit very soon as I have a better grasp on the issues that younger me was dabbling in. The story is kinda painful, and well, I like painful stories. And Pachla is a great character to be part of the story. Perhaps you'll see Pachla in their prime again?