webcomics & books that means alot to me

here are some media that inspires me to follow my heart and write and explore the themes im driven to write and explore. if they could do so in a graceful way, it will be okay when i do so, even if clumsy

i start with the most influential works to more segmented/general where i just really want people to know abt the series / promote how good they are given the subject matters resonating ^^ im not really writing reviews persay but just why i enjoy them and how they inspire my work or brought some comfort

click the cover image to visit/read em/learn abt it

all of these have mature themes and explore heavy subjects (implicitly or explicitly), so read their content warnings!

33 snowfish by Adam Rapp

this was the first contreversial book id ever read, not even knowing it was a problematic book. and this is an very core element to why i write what i write today. i was a freshman in highschool and found it on the shelf of my schools library. this book was a surreal experience. i remember reading it for the first time and recongnizing locations i knew of and going "wait wtf". this book is just, Its real lol. its heavy, and has influenced and inspired my work since i first read it. i had no idea before this book that writing subjects like this was okay, lol. it jumpstarted me looking into other contreversial books and building a "fuck censorship" stance when it comes to writing stuff that does happen irl. as you can tell by its rating on goodreads, its gotten shit for being pretty fucked up. like, this books fucking sad but the way it ends makes it worth it.

hello from halo head by batshaped

for a long time this is what forced me to keep a twitter account, just so i could stay updated on new pages of halo-head. this is one of the few series i enjoy where things arent just laid out in your face, because it is an approach that i take. with halo-head, its like a wanting to know what happened and also the hesitation and oddly sick feeling as we do start to get glimpses of whats going on past their world. i wish i could word things more eloquently, but batty's comic is extremely inspiring in terms of how they frame panels like a storyboard.

what happens next by maximumgraves

oh man. oh man. i originally started to read what happens next via twitter and Man starting this comic was like multiple uppercuts LOL. and it taking place in the midwest and areas im familar with really nailed it. what happens next captures that "growing up chronically online" experience with the touch of "oh this is fucked up". like wouldnt be shocked if this story was real. i like how its written because its like, critical of the characters but also sympathetic of them. again i cant word shit and give these comics just but if you grew up on tumblr or other social medias, you may enjoy this. i know i do lol its familar to me

FadeAway by Noa Star

a past mutual whos work i still root for, this comic is fantastic and having seen it grow over the years has been really cool!! shes been developing this for a long time and has an incredible writing style. the heavy themes explored are done so tastefully, so its hard to not reccomend this to others

Drop-Out by gray Folie

i had this bookmarked since 2020 and finally read it reccently and man. man. yeah, its good. its a pretty quick read too, but a heavy one. its raw and this is the kind of stories i really like. being able to empathize with characters struggles really draws me to media and this is a comic ill probably always think of when im going thru the motions.

here are some primarily nsfw / plot dependant on fetishes or sex or dives into taboo themes

Trust me by GrimArt & Addiction by GrimArt

fuck these hit hard when i first read them. i remember finding Grim's art for the first time thinking they were purplekelecon and was pleasantly suprised LOL. grim is alot critical and raw about what they write and its inspiring. both of these comics uppercutted me, particurually Addiction. oh god, Addiction hurt. it hurt like hell reading it because i saw myself in it. down to the fucking shit the cunt tells him. its hard to even re-read it just because of that. it hurts because of how real it is without sugarcoating shit

Playdate by A-b-Z

so, this was the first ABDL comic i came across that made me realize that my age regression could be explored in a more mature way with no need to feel like shit for being a "nasty little". i wouldnt have realized i was ABDL without it.all of A-b-Z's comics are amazing imo, and i love all of them alot and would even want them in print! im always thankful for ever coming across this comic for this reason. it made me realize, hey, its alright. its alright being ABDL lol

the little things by gamer2

this fucking comic has been wrecking me since page 1. it feels ripped directly from my experiences back when i first started exploring ABDL. i cant even really put into words how this comic punches me and has made me feel seen down to the parent shit and how she just...she struggles to come to terms with it. whew. i reccomend it as a read even if you arent an ABDL or anything. also fuck yeah midwest rep!!!!!!!!

Second Class by ThunderousErections

since finding this comic through a friend, ive been obsessed and keeping up with pages because its a slice of life coming to age story. i LOVE these kinds of stories, i dont care, i love them LOL thunderouserection writes this where i could see it be an animated tv show and its what kept me pulled in alongside the writing and character relationships. heads up for the content and themes since its teens finding themselves (NSFW) but overall its worth it. its more than porn, i really just see it as slice of life lol