the helianthus-fields sitemap 

yeah my site is a bit of a maze, sooo heres a site map!
anything marked with
has heavy/dark visual content
anything marked with
has sexual or kink visual content
- The Petals - the hub for all my creative work
- Art Archive - all of my art catalouged over the years

- OC Repository - every single one of my OCs logged with brief descriptions here
- Playroom! - my self indulgence and comfort art and projects
Subhubs: Toy Projects, Crossover AU, PKMN Self-Insert, Warrior Cats Fanfic
Shrines: All Self-Inserts, Beffica x Dusti (Bugsnax), Team Tiddies (PMD)
- Toybox - display/log of my toy and plush collections
- Furrealife! - my drama comedy fucked up furry series

Subpages: Cast, Timeline, Gallery, Literature, Animation
- Nuzlock'd - my PKMN paracosm (archival)
- PMD: RaR - my extremely fucked up PMD fanfic lol

- Pachla the Coywolf - one of my oldest ocs and its history
- The Peduncle - the hub for all my personal stuff
- Commission Prices - where you can access my commission prices
- Resources - the hoarde of resources / bookmarks i have
- Guestbook - feel free to leave a message this way