wanna listen to some jams while you read?


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here's a collection of zines we've made!! they're more vent-centric and highly personal, so please just keep that in mind. theyre made without any initial plans and usually during high emotions.

materials: paper, micron markers, watercolor, posca markers, scraps

please note that these may contain swearing, unreality, bright colors and violence

Organized from Oldest to Newest/Most Recent

Date: June 9 2023
Author: Rea
TW: None


Date: June 11 2023
Author: Ida
TW: None


Date: June 11 2023
Author: Ida
TW: blood, violence, antisocial themes


Date: June 20 2023
Author: Ida
TW: depersonalization

how to be a human being in an acceptable way

Date: October 25 2023
Author: Ida
TW: scribbling, self-deprication, self-punishment

they can exisit in ways you never can

Date: November 20 2023
Author: Ida
TW: scribbling, uncomfortable themes

helianthus-fields est. april 2023 - furever
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