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when i do remember to track my dreams, they are gonna be put here. i am a genuine believer i am tormented by other universes and realities when i close my eyes (awake or asleep) due to my childhood quest of trying to lucid dream and extensive maladaptive daydreaming behaviors. i feel ive crossed a plane at some point and now opened doors that result in why these dream stress me out so much. i wish i could really understand these dreams. maybe its best if i dont. but hey sometimes theyre cool!

august 23rd 2024

weird stress dream. it ended where this fantasticial stadium with a rome esque design (extremely goregeous btw like i kept looking at this floating structure and it made me feel sick)??? and stuff and then an airship and it left me on this platform at sundown (everything was shaded in purples). everyone boarded and it took all the stairs andf platforms away from me and i cried out running after it before i fell over in despair. and from this the dream turned into a countdown into hardest pokemon to find deserted video and i was #1 as a deserted pachirisu and it was like community effort to find me.the start of this dream i barely rememver but it was school based kind of enviroment. the stadium before the big airship was a football stadium and it was during a game. a girl wearing a bracelet i made wouldnt want to talk to me. i was just lonely standing by the field. and some point i was IN the game??? i dont know why but i was running. it felt like highschool. im always haunted by high school ig

august 21st 2024

public transportation and natural diaster again at the beginning, the details are super unclear im pretty sure it was a flood this time. alot of rain, crazy ass clouds. im remembering the cloud structures now. literally like a trapezoid. it was horrifying and unnatural. some clouds were low enough and moving so fast like cosmos. the entire shopping district was irregular. my mom almost got hit by a car but it turned into a puppy and scittered away and then she still almost got hit, and she was so shaken up she could only sit there. so i ran into the street trying to coax her to the safe part. i climbed over thick railing that scratched me. local mall was the target of riots, dudes were throwing flaming rocks at the store while security from my workplace were yelling at them. the attack eventually ended. when me and my mom went inside to shop, it started again and it was a report that it was true impact so we ran so fast out i could only see my feet scrambling. we were afraid so we had to slink toward our car (it was parked where the rioters were throwing the explosives) and get our belongings and then escape. i woke feeling terribly unnerved and anxious. it feels like this happened or is going to happen.

august 19th 2024

again natural diaster (terrible storms) and tramua (car accidents) mixed into a weird public transportation social meetup kind of dream. i woke up disoriented. even stepping outside i still dont feel alive or real lol. i can barely remember the faces or events of the dream except the street i was on covered in police cars and people packed up on there. we decided agaisnt going down the street until it cleared. i think before this everyone was packed into an event hall of some sort and then something happened? there were some small weird things that happened. maybe it best to not rememeber

agust 17th 2024

it was during a 2 hr nap but it wasnt evn my room and when my mom was trying to call for me or yap about some bullshit, i decided to just destroy the room by ripping down shelves and shit and screamed to the top of my lungs as if i died and just sat there. then i got transported to my workplace (omfg). and when i saw my manager thats when i woke up

august 8th 2024

extension cord caught on firee in my dream it was So fucking scary i hate the concept of fires. the location of the cord signaled it was a dream though but i was still uncomfortable and scared over how it kept sparking and buzzing and smoked up the room. when i woke up i was pretty uncomfortable.

august 7th 2024

it was during my nap but it was a dream of the biggest fucking mashup crossover animated event ever and it was SICK like Awesome all my childhood shows was there and interacting with eachother but the second a bunch of muppets started appearing that werent recongnizable raised the red flags andf i was like "hold on who the fuck are u guys" and because i noticed things were off, i woke up with a massive headache. instead of harnessing the dream i just woke up with the headache. this was a dream i had in a 20 min interval because i was supposed to be up and ready for work but i snoozed my alarm lol

august 1st 2024

omg public transport dream again. first a big train station terminal thing with my brother and his friend. and then a super fancy speedy amtrak. and then i transferred to a bus which i did not follow where to get off so i got stuck in a new big terminal hub and the lady said it wouldnt get me where i needed to be until the next buses....in 16 hours and that stressed me out SO much that i woke up agdsjhsd. the contents of the dream were random. sitting on the bus i was weirdly elevated and it was more school bus adjacent than my local buses i use for work/school. there was a sequence where a lady was worried about how she was percieved and we lived through all the horrors of what she though she looks like (it was toying the line between body horror dysmorphia and serious fetish stuff) but i dont know her relevance past this. i just remember this weirdly animated storybook sequence. and also a little puppy went out the back door of the bus and ragdolled away and it was fucking funny

july 29th 2024

school dream. it started in a hospital ER setting before transforming into the school setting in the way everyone was filtered out into classes. it was highschool enviroment instead of a more college esque enviroment. id been here before in a past dream i didnt log. we were in a different portion of the school? hospital? this place ive been so many times. anyways most of it took place in just one classroom with an array of people i didnt know. the teacher put on a video for us to watch while she could grade papers? at first i sat beside some guy and it was fine until i think i mentioned something then the guy just started rambling on very loudly which gave me second hand embarrassment because people started to look our way. so i told him to shh and then he spoke even fucking louder and i was ready to just vanish, but didnt know how to tell him to stfu bc he was infodumping. his breath smelled like garlic??? what happened here is spotty but he stopped and said something saracstic and i went to anbother seat near some girls. the girls were chatty and one behind me said my hair smelled like ground beef and i was just "??????" and smelled my braids and well it smelled like a hamburger. and i was like "well its probably from when i was cooking" and this got her approval somehow. the entire class was chatty and goofy and talking to eachother and it felt wrong to be part of this but i kinda just went along with it so i am not a target. the teacher eventually spoke about how she wants us to shush so she could finish her work but well that didnt change anything. this is when the dream started to change into my next one which is foggier, and i cant really remember it. i can only remember 1 of 3 dreams. yep.

july 15th 2024

this one was weird and i woke up stressed the fuck out. it was like a mother daughter retreat thing. there were bikes and i was riding bikes on these fucked up hills and paths and shit with a bunch of other girls. we were like in the woods on a trail and the leader was like some spiritual guy. we werent allowed to use our phones or bring our belongings but we just needed to transverse the trail and over these thin platforms on our bikes. uuuh i did everything fine until like at some point on the trail i fell off into the ditch after i saw a mom and daughter in a shack on the trail fussing and i saw the stress of her i guess i felt it and thats when i fell into the ditch with my belongings and i failed it. my phone was weirdly broken and popped it was like when a wound grows puss under it. this was such a weird dream and i was so stressed out about needing a new phone and the spiritual guy yelled at me

july 12th 2024

i dont even know how to describe this dream bc i thought it was real-ish???? until i woke up mid dream. but it was like cornfields and shit. out in da middle of nowhere. darkness. the craziest prettiest sunset. i transported from my room to this area im pretty sure, and alot of family was there and shit. the part that woke me up was trying to figure out who was having a medical episode. its so hard to explain, but the sunset was...so pretty. pink and purples. the land was vast. there was no end. i could hear a siren but i could not wake. i woke up a bit disoriented. im still disoriented like 3 hours later.

july 1st 2024

the dream i woke up from led to me being in a lousy mood the entire day. not sure why, the mood wasnt even bad. i was back in a train station again. one very akin to union station. at first it was like a convention or like school enviroment before shifting to the train enviroment and becoming lost. ive been similar places before. the train feels more like a roller coaster than a train. vunerabilty, not encased. always some sort of people drama going on. i never have a real body in these. i always end up in a place i cant understand anyone too. im not sure what was going on but it was like i kept skipping which reality i was in. it was stressful while also being super mundane for dream me. but yeah, i woke up from all this stuff i cant put into words and i had a pretty tough day haunted by something that happened but i cant tell what.

when i was high yesterday, i was in the corridor. some other girl was with me. it was blueish darkness, only sihlouttes and we just were there. i dont know if it was me tbh

april 15 2024

i had a couple through the hours of broken sleep and they were all distressing (yay wooo). most memorable one i remember a portion of is the girl from childhood who bullied me attacking me and holding me down which resulted in me waking up in a full frantic damp sweat and i kicked my cat off the bed when i thought it was her while in the frantic because i was still in the dream (my cat is ok and landed safely ^^' meatball usually sleeps away from my feet direction). now i am just being haunted with her face throughout the day alongside memories of work also popping in

april 7 2024

the exact dream sequence i woke up from this morning was weird. i was like traveling through huge houses and stuck on the street my dad lives and like unable to get specifically to HIS house, and had to like climb through houses and stuff it was weird? and when i did make it to his house, it was like inaniated objects come to life just chatting with me and shit and were like family to me. so weird. im struggling to recall the objects they were but they were cute. my brother was here during this journey and it felt like a cartoon / video game. i just remeber really wanting to jump into the pile of stuffed animals in order to easierly get to the next house instead of a bunch of sly cooper sorta shit

prior to this dream sequence was me in a school enviroment akin to my high school. this is a place ive been in ALOT in dreams and usually the type of enviroment where im flying around, and i was infact flying around in this dream. not with wing sorta fly but my dream self flying is more like LEapping. like sproing and gravity doesnt hold me down as much (this can suck ass in dreams where i float into the abyss) i kept going to the theather rooms and stuff and making my little thing/??i dont remember what specifically i was crafting but i remember a curiour teacher asking about it and me rushing ahead to do it. now that i think about it, i was going to the room that was a theather mixed with an altar/religious sorta thing that looked alot like my church's main room lol. the school honestly felt mixed with church and highschool. anyways i just worked on my own while other students worked with eachother. the place was HUGE. its always huge and looming for me. red and yellow and tbrowns

and the dream yesterday was me stuck in a huge house, i think the actual house was one i went to in childhood it was one of my cousins houses. anyways i was like stranded here with a little critter and and it had me feeling so small and pathetic. the sequence before this i cant recall now due to the new dreams but i remember the absolute fucking dread of being stuck in this stupid ass house with no way to go home. like i was trying to get uber on my phone with no avail and was feeling tinier and tinier. i think it was my plushie that was alot and trying to soothe me but this sequence sucked butt and i woke up feeling so little haha. this i can probably pinpoint why i had it: slept in house alone (mom was out, brother has moved out a while ago) just with the cats and was hobestly feeling like a little kid trapped in a mansion and felt like that up until my family came home then i was like a happy dog haha

march 29 2024

prior to sleep my vision was really janked up. anyways actual dream: there was more to it than this but major sequence was me and my mom boarded a cityline bus and it randomly got hella dark. we were like in a suburb area. we look out the window and its tornados. multiple in one, like biblical hands but tornadoes. the way they rotated was insanely beutiful but horrifying and unnatural. gray twisters all twisting together. considered a catastrophic event apparently by the news. no tornado sirens. the bus did his best to maneuver the situation. he hydroplaned and he got stressed out and we turned around to avoid path of these 5 rotating twisters that were ripping up a suburb. i remember calling my siblings after to check on them and ask about it and they both were like "yeah we heard abt it thats crazy". and then it cut to me being in a school/mall/field trip i swear id been in this building before in my dreamscapes. but it was crowds and stuff. i had stuffed animals i wanted to take with me but i had to leave them behind and be a big kid. and i was upset because others had some and they just sat there sadly. i remember being so stressed out at this stupid muesem/mall/school. i keep ending back in these huge limial areas packed with people and its always torment and its always buses and tornadoes. my last dream that stressed me otu this bad was when it was like a tsunami/tornado/end of world event and i stood at the coast watching the vicious waves they were alive

march 15 2024

i was in college/highschool. reoccuring area/enviroment ive been in, because the school had like classes within classes just a fucked up layout. it must have been day 1 of the semester. the teacher i had was absolute shite. like the idiot kind that you groan during class and try to think if you can still graduate on time if you drop the class kind of idiot professor. anyways that was the main feeling i got during the dream before i left class. he didnt even call my name for attendence and got snarky when i asked about it. so i left and tried to find other classses. i ended up walking throughg one classes on accident, closed the door so hard it like jammed and i felt so embarrassed so i ran so fast. i think it was a french class. idk. but yeah a fantastic stressful school esque dream. there were no buses this time tho.

helianthus-fields est. april 2023 - furever
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